a blog about: Why? - Because I want to make a wish.

Why is one of my favourite songs a German song that I barley can understand?

Why did I want the dude across the hall to wear the same sweater for a third day in a row just for the simple reason; me typing a blog and complaining about it & why do I run out of topics, which results in me telling y'all about this dude anyways. By the way, he's been wearning different outfits since I was planning of blogging about him, I guess he's a mind-reader.

Why does it seem to be impossible for me to copy-and-paste a template into the HTML editor of my blog and get it to work, when it in the instruction only tells you that copy-and-paste is all you have to do. This is also completely embarrassing when keeping in mind that I've been in a Webmastering class for 9 months. I bet it's some kind of special copy-and-paste function they are using, the very special kind of kind (lol) which a normal 16 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days old teenager isn't capable of handling and managing..

Why can't I find a web page on the internet where I can create my own blogger templates, when there's a million of those web pages for Myspace layouts creating?

Why does the clock tell me it's 9.48 when I start blogging and by the time I'm finished it's about to be 10.30?

Because I wish...
...I knew German
...The dude across the hall would wear that sweater I was talking about, one more time, just for my satisfaction (I want to blog about it one more time and make some complaintments lol)
... I had more things to blog about
... I wouldn't have slept through the Webmastering classes (well.. it was only the last few weeks cuz we basically didn't do anything anyways)
... That I knew how to create a new and prettier layout for my blog
... That I had my bag of "naturgodis" (google it, lol) right next to me
... That I could take a power nap

Laura Alexis

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