a blog about: talar ut

The bummer of the day:
Me getting up early. 7.00 am.
Receiving blocked phone calls. Did not pick up, since I've stopped picking up if I don't know who's calling.
Went to the dentist.
It turns out that a lady over there had been calling me all morning. The blocked calls. Trying to tell me my appointment had to be changed to another day, since the one who was going to check my teeth was sick. At least I got 2 toothbrushes, lol.

Went lasergaming with some friends, and some people I've never met before (all friends of Baggen) today. Baggen paid for everything, even though it was her birthday thing. THANK YOU, MAGDA!
It was really fun and the red team, my team, won. Cause we're good like that. Afterwards we went back to Baggen's house to watch a movie - Wall-E. Cute!

The second bummer of the day:
Guys trynna flirt on the bus.
Emma did her thing. Basically asked him to stfu.
They kept on trying to get our attention but we kept on ignoring them.
The boys living in this town are really desperate.

Dagens Musikvideo:
Talar ut med Mange Schmidt.
Den var så ful så den får faktiskt vara med här idag

Laura Alexis

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