en blogg om: weekend!

Today was a nice day. I was sleeping until 11 or something. Then J.R picked me up, and we went to Lisa and picked her up too. Lisa and I was walking around down town... it was a "depo day"(?) .. typ som marknad hemma i Luleå... That was nice. By lunch Lisa and I went to the cohoclate shop, I had the best brownie ever. It was freaking delicious. Right when we were about to leave, Cody .. "my best friend" enters.. and he wants to walk around with us.. Around 4 we went home, dropped Cody off.. And we decided that we should go down town every saturday and eat something @ the chocolate shop. Like a brownie. We'll see what happens next weekend:)....

Here at home, we were kind of bored, had nothing to do, were just sitting by the computer.. then Lisa was writing with D.Royal at myspace and we figured out that Lisa and I should join him and his friends and watch a movie. So by 9 Karen drove us over there.. it was pretty fun actually... to do something new. By 12 Karen picked us up, and now were back here againg. We're about to watch a movie. Can't remind the namne.. but whatever.

see you all.

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