en blogg om: ren och pur lycka

The Pursuit of Happyness!
Ok, I've been messing with those papers for the longest time! Now I finally got a hold of them, after trying to get a hold of the people at the school, my exchange program, even the municipality, I finally got the paper, from my Exchange program!! I hope that the varsity situation will be alright now! (If not I'll have to get the papers from my counselor too, so I'll let him keep on working with the paper stuff - that's his punishment since he didn't reply until like two weeks after I sent him the e-mail..)

This morning when I told Coach Harrison that I'll get the papers today he was so happy that he gave me a huge hug, I was pretty surprised - since I never seen him hugging anyone before this. He has to be happy, really happy. So am I, next week I'm going to drop soccer, practice track after school and later on I hope the girls team will get going so I can play some "real" soccer.

Peace fellas, there's homework that needs to be finished.

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