a blog about: jenny is stupid

Lol.. yeah JD was messing with my blog ;) ... I am not about to burp my way to freedom ;).
Anyways.. Jenny & Emma came over, once again, and we made reservations for three "hotels" for the trip, but yeah, we still have 3 more to go. I'm going to Emma's house tomorrow.. where we're gonna fix the rest of the reservations and then afterwards when we're done we're just gotta wait til the 17th of JULY and then we'll be gooooneeee!

I was off work today.. my dad had a meeting somewhere far away and he's my supervisor so there wasn't really a reason for me to go to work today so I'll be back on track tomorrow.. and we're off friday too because that's when everybody gets off for the "Swedish Midsummer" lol. That's basically when everybody eats potatoes and fish and during the whole night drink shots.. called "Snaps". If you spend "Midsummer Eve" at Liggskär, an island, you'll see people getting more and more drunk during the night and we don't really go to sleep until late. Normally I hang out with my friends Sara and Anna, that I met when I was younger and I've spent like every midsummer with them @ Liggskär.. but it won't be like that this year. My family and I are going to our "summer house" instead. I haven't been there for like 10 months so it'll be pretty nice I guess.

Oh well. Gotta go.
Gotta find my phone :o.

Laura Alexis

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