a blog about: only one thing

I'm back at work. It's not too bad. My dad, or actually, to be honest, it was more like our 10 months old crazy dog who woke me up around 6.45 this morning.. but yeah I didn't get up 'til like 7.15... think we checked in before 8 at least lol.

I realized that 10 months out of my lifetime felt like the longest time to me. I grew a lot, (my mind changed and I guess I, in someway, had a personal change too because when you think about it, who mixes a pair of the converse chuck taylors (with the playing card pattern) with a pair of straight legged levi's, and Lil Wayne - A Milli put on repeat on her pink iPod Nano?), and yeah my waist increased an inch or two too, lol. Anyways, back to what I wanted to say:
After coming back to Mefos, where I work at, everything still seems to be the same. It still looks the same, it is the same people working here (except some dude with really long blond hair, claiming he's listening to rock music), the coffee in the coffee machine still tastes like crap, and all of us are still drinkingt it, except my dad who's claiming he's sick of coffee and decided to drink green tea instead, I guess he just wanna be healthy or something like that. They are still offering the same kind of "sandwiches" for the first coffee break of the day. It's the same students working here, just like last year.

There's only one thing that has changed.. ya'll remember last year when I wrote about the man that always was walking around with his white helmet put on his head (for the purpose of covering his bold spot on his head)?

About that.
He is not wearing the helmet anymore.
I have to ask myslef.. why?

Laura Alexis

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