en blogg om: nasty stuff

Hello dear friends. Guess who's back. Laura ofcourse.
This morning I was supposed to go to the gym with Karen and work out, before school, but she overslept and in the end I and Lisa really had to hurry.. with an BIG "h". However.

I just got back from school, first I had soccer practice and just a few minutes later I had a "hard" day at my cross country practice so now I'm sitting here all sweaty and nasty. My shirt and my shorts smells really baaaad. I need a shower too btw.. And I got the "good" news, I have to run at the meeting @ saturday, that sucks. We will leave as early as 7.00 in the morning. Nice.... But I don't think it'll be to hard, I've really improved my running skills, the 4 warm up laps today really felt like warmup laps, I could've run 4 more without problems :). Besides my practicing this day have been great, I and Lisa got a ride downtown to eat lunch! The first time ever.

We just got to know that Lisa has got a famliy now, for real. So she'll probably move out pretty soon. Man(!) I will miss her really bad. I'll meet her in school everyday though, but anyway.. :/.

Now I need to eat something and I need to changes clothes, see you.
Adios amigos (I need to improve my spanish too;))

I FORGOT! Today I saw the biggest spider ever in my life! It was an tarantel :/, pretty cool though, but I wouldn't touch it, as Sam did. "My crazy friend from america" as he said. I will upload a picture of it later.

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