en blogg om: Y'all Believe it or Not...


Actually won their first game today this season!

I got some sweaty hugs from the football guys too, so my shirt smells really bad now.. uh

Had the try outs for the Hip Hop dance team today. I think I totally messed up. But everyone who saw me dance think I did great. I hope I'll be on the team. That would be really fun. Really.

Karen and I decided that I maybe should change math class, because it's too easy.. we're like repeating everything that I did last year at Natur. Det var goda tider, jag saknar er!

Now I'm not gonna write anymore.
Lisa and I was "playing" football.
She was the quarter back and I was the running back.
When I catched the ball, it messed up my thumb, it really hurts now.
I cant push the space button with the finger ;)..

So I'm gonna watch some TV instead. NIcky's not home so I don't have to watch Disney Channel, Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network.. maybe there will be a good movie or something.. but I will probably fall asleep, cuz, man, I'm tired ;)

Jenny, gick spanskaprovet bra? ;)

C Yall!

2 kommentarer:

Jenny said...

MOHAHA, jag tror inte det ;) Fast jag har ändå lärt mig en massa nytt och det borde räcka, eller hur? Haha, jag kan lära DIG en sak på spanska: No tener dos dedos de frente = Vara dum/korkad. Det är ett uttryck alltså ;D Inte för att det har något med dig o göra men det är lite kul ändå.. hehe

Unknown said...

I thought you liked the Disney Channel... I see you watching it all the time even when she is not at home. : )